Danial Zainul

Full-stack web developer

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My first taste of coding was in 2016, when i enrolled into NEXT Academy's Full-stack Web Development Bootcamp. From then onwards, I started coding during my free time and taking online courses from Udemy to further enhance my skills. At present, I am pursuing the "Responsive Web Design Certification" from freeCodeCamp.

Currently looking for a junior web developer position or freelancing projects.

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Listed are some of the technologies which I am familiar with.


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, jQuery


Node.js, Express, Rails

Database & Tech

MongoDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL, GitHub, Heroku, Responsive Web Design


Below are some projects which I've completed.


YelpCamp is a website where users can create and search for campgrounds.

Built with: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express, MongoDB

Visit YelpCamp.com


Looking to get connected? DevMatch offers users free or monthly subscription options with varying accessibility to other users’ information.

Built with: HTML, CSS, Rails

Visit DevMatch.com


Have excess food and want to find a cause? KFeed allows users to organize or join a "feeding session" for the homeless people.

Coded by a team for NEXT Academy's Web Development Bootcamp's final project and presentation. One of the selected projects to be featured on NEXT Academy's website.

Built with: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Rails

Visit KFeed.com


Drop me a message if you would like to hire me, or work together.